The Department of Fish and Game is conducting an evaluation of the wild trout fishery of Putah Creek. We request your help in this evaluation by providing the following information in this survey.
Please use this form for One Angler and One Day's Fishing on Putah Creek.
Please fill out a survey form even if you didn't catch any fish.
Your answers will be strictly confidential.
Number of hours fished: *
County of Residence: *
What type of Gear used*: Lure Fly
Total number of rainbows caught: *
Total number of brown trout caught: *
Number of Fish Caught (Enter number of fish in each length class)
Brown Trout
Fish length
Less than 6"
6 to 7.9"
8 to 9.9"
10 to 11.9"
12 to 13.9"
14 to 15.9"
16 to 17.9"
18 to 19.9"
20" to 21.9"
22" to 23.9"
24" and greater
Please indicate your satisfaction regarding your fishing at this water by choosing the number which most closely relects your feelings.
1. Overall angling experience today Not Satisfied -2 -1 0 +1 +2 Very Satisfied
2. Size of fish Not Satisfied -2 -1 0 +1 +2 Very Satisfied
3. Number of fish Not Satisfied -2 -1 0 +1 +2 Very Satisfied
If you wish to provide additional comments, please do so here:
Thank you for your cooperation with this survey
*required field
Please re-enter the following verification code:
Your answers will be strictly confidential.
Please email your comments and suggestions to the Webmaster