Roatan Childrens Fund


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Our Mission Statement
To improve the lives of the children living on the Island of Roatan, Honduras
through education, healthcare, nutrition and enhanced living conditions.

Roatan Children's Fund is a public benefit non-profit corporation organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes. Specifically, this organization will seek to advance education and provide relief to poor, distressed, and underprivileged children living in Roatan, Honduras. Our support will help with various needs including schooling, transportation, uniforms, food, electricity, repairs, clothing and other necessary supplies. 100% of all monetary donations go directly to help support the children of Roatan. All administrative costs are paid by a private donor and all staff are volunteers.

Schools or organizations with a focus on children under the age of 18 are eligible for our services under our program. Our primary empasis is on education, nutrition, and improving living conditions. Our goals for the Majken Broby Children's Home are to educate all the children up to the age of 18, provide clean drinking water, provide preventative medical and dental care, provide clean clothes to attend school, and quality nutrition. Our goals for the Schools are to provide school supplies such as books, notebooks, pencils, and craft items. We also will strive to improve the physical structures of the school facilities.

In order to assure that our distributions are used strictly in furtherance of our purposes, one board member will visit the premises at least once a month. In between visits, we will get updates from various volunteers visiting the island. We will only make payments directly to service providers. No cash will be paid nor will any money be paid to any of the directors or officers of our organization. We may, however, pay for additional employees or medical personnel that we will pay directly.

Honduras is the poorest country in Central America. Of Honduras' total population, about 64.5%, live on $3 or less per day and of that total 42.4% live on $1 or less per day. On Roatan, as in many other Central American countries, there is a huge discrepancy in income with a few people living quite well and most living in extremely adverse conditions with no running water, sewer hookups, or cooking facilities. Since Roatan is a very small island with only a few large centers of population, it has been easy to locate children in need.

The Education Crisis in Honduras

by Jorge Gallardo Rius

Education and Development

One of the indexes used to measure the educational level of a population is the average amount of years of formal schooling. In Honduras, that index is 6.5, that is, the average Honduran has 6.5 years of formal schooling. It grows one school year every 10 years.

In the early 1960s, this index was similar for Honduras as for Thailand, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and other nations known as the Asian Tigers for their rapid economic growth. Since, these countries have advanced the education of their people and their index is now above 12 years.

If you make a graph of the average years of formal schooling and compare it to a graph of the people’s income in that country, you will find that both follow a similar pattern. The close relationship between education and economic development is unquestioned today.

We are a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation
Checks may also be mailed to:
Roatan Children's Fund
1966 Tice Valley Blvd. #145
Walnut Creek, CA 94595